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Chine Chine > Shanghai > Shanghai
The new barracks of the Shanghai Municipal Police in Chengtu Road (above) have been completed by the Public Works Department and will be occupied on April 1. The imposing building will house married Sikh and Chinese personnel of “A” and “B” divisions south of Soochow Creek.
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200 clichés

La Villa Basset冬季徐光启的住所/科学家徐光启的故居徐光启的故居徐光启故居九间楼/乔家路街和徐冠奇楼小世界附近的福佑路法国租界的大华医院/大华医院

Photos des environs

中国海洋海关俱乐部警察营房,成都路上海市中心江阴路成土路派出所盛宣怀的老住所南京西路,对人民广场的风景冒泡井路的街景在上海意大利领事馆Chunhua Restaurant春华大酒楼鼓泡井路游行

Photo publiée sur
 03/01/2023 04:21

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Vieilles photos de Shanghai,Photographies anciennes de Shanghai,Vieilles images de Shanghai,Vieux clichés de Shanghai,Anciennes vues panoramiques de Shanghai,Anciennes gravures de Shanghai