Развилка Ленинградского проспекта и Волоколамского шоссе


Развилка Ленинградского проспекта и Волоколамского шоссе

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Russie Russie > Moscow > Sokol District
Interchange at the metro station "Falcon" .On the presented pictures you can see the lime alley that ran along the Leningrad prospectus. Today it a small area can be seen only in the early prospekta.Na photo yet travel (geographically it is located perpendicularly from Leningrad Avenue) connecting the street with the Baltic Halabyan ulitsey.Tonnel that connects the Leningrad prospectus and the Leningrad highway renovated in late 2007 and has a somewhat different form.
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Photo publiée sur
 16/05/2019 11:49

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