Such a descent Pervan


Such a descent Pervan

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Kirghizistan Kirghizistan > Osh Region
The original name in the book "Rise to the lane. Taka". Still view of the trigger ... picture is taken in the lower part of the path from the pass Such a valley Buck Arch, right Kurshab inflow where the path passes through a canyon of conglomerates and sandstones. View of the slope around the east. For comparison panoramic view of GE (as well turns in narrow canyons) After passes Taka Chel Bel held short "express" path from Lyangar in Gulcha (rider on the horse on mountain tracks), the main Pamir path walked through pass Chyyyrchyk traversed obozom.
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201 clichés

Альплагерь Ледник КаиндыЛедник МушкетоваУзген. Минарет XI-XII вУлица Советская в г. Фрунзе (ул. Байтик баатыра, Бишкек)

Photos des environs

Road to the lane. ThisSuch pass. countryside views on the way to the lake. Kaplan-KulWay Lake. Kaplan-balls with Pass ThisView of the lake. Kaplan-kulView of the lake. Kaplan-kulThe descent from the lane. Chil-BelThe pass Chel-BellePlot Pamir Highway near LangarPlot Pamir Highway near LangarGorge Gillis. The road to the pass Chyyyrchyk

Photo publiée sur
 16/12/2019 03:59

© Paul Related
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Vieilles photos d'Osh Region,Photographies anciennes d'Osh Region,Vieilles images d'Osh Region,Vieux clichés d'Osh Region,Anciennes vues panoramiques d'Osh Region,Anciennes gravures d'Osh Region