Даха Ставровська


Даха Ставровська

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Ukraine Ukraine > Autonomous Republic of Crimea > Simeiz
BR edition Hermut, New Simeiz - Eagle "olga Konstantinovna Starovskaya In 1912, it acquires a plot in Simeiz No. 52, an area of 400 square-sage. During the retaining site was built during the year. In the architecture of the building were used elements of Modern. Konstantinovna Stavrovskaya was the daughter of an obscured Ataman of the Ural Troops. Family Stavrovsky lived in Orenburg. Konstantin Nikolayevich Starovsky, having retired, acquires a plot in Simeiz, which issues Olga on his younger daughter and the whole family moves into the Crimea. By this time, Olga has already graduated from the Smolny Institute. Soon she married an officer from the environment of the Father - Tuzenko Andrei Nikiforovich. During the revolution, Andrei Nikiforovich moved to red and became the Yalta's military commander. But it did not help and their home in Simeiz took away. Olga Konstantinovna sold Arpha, took the children Lev and Petya and went to St. Petersburg to his senior sister Anna.
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Photo publiée sur
 16/11/2021 09:18

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