Панорама Контрактовій площі


Панорама Контрактовій площі

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Ukraine Ukraine > Київська міська громада > Podilskyi district > Podil
Area - an important junction of public transport, there began tram routes number 16 - to the Pechersk bridge, number 20 - a museum town (Caves), number 5 - to the district House of officers, number 19 - The House of rest watermen, number 12 - the Pushcha -Voditsu, nº 28 - to shelkokombinatu, nº 14 - in Svyatoshin, nº 26 - to Machine Tool Works, nº 13 - to the train station, nº 9 - tram to plant Dzerzhinsky, here annular passed routes a and B
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Photo publiée sur
 28/07/2020 12:15

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