Blick vom Gendarmenmarkt in die Markgrafenstraße Richtung Norden


Blick vom Gendarmenmarkt in die Markgrafenstraße Richtung Norden

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Germania Germania > Berlin
The view of the northern part of Margrafenstraße begins with two axes of a magnificent immediat building built in 1780/81 according to plans by Carl von Gontard. The General Lottery Directorate had been based here since 1791/92, then the General Salance Directorate and after conversions from 1887 the Prussian Higher Administrative Court. This is followed by a representative residential building (No. 48) built to the left at the end of the 18th century, which the architect Johann Boumann d.Ä. is attributed. On the corner of Friedrichstrasse, "Scheible`s Hotel" follows another building built around 1780. It is demolished in 1884 and replaced by a new building in the style of time. Opposite a magnificent residential and commercial building, "the Commercial Council Pfaff". The Eckhaus Markgrafenstraße 50/French Straße 38/39 was removed in 1922 and re -performed for Dresdner Bank. To the left of "Senior's Hotel", Markgrafenstraße 51.
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596 foto

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Foto nelle vicinanze

Blick vom Gendarmenmarkt auf die Markgrafen und die Französische straßeGeneral-Lotterie-Direktion, Markgrafenstraße 47Jägerstraße Ecke MarkgrafenstraßeFranzösischer Dom: GiebelreliefAuto Taxi Droschke. Staatliches SchauspielhausAkademie der WissenschaftenJägerstraße 21, Ansicht der Preußischen Seehandlung von NordwestenGebäude der General-Lotterie-Direktion am Gensdarmen-MarkteMarkgrafenstraße 39Markgrafenstraße / Französische Straße

Foto pubblicata su
 28/09/2020 10:39

© Friedrich Albert Schwartz
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