Мавзолей Хакима ат-Термези


Мавзолей Хакима ат-Термези

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Uzbekistan Uzbekistan > Surxondaryo Region > Termiz District
Negative: "Mosque in the city of Termez" One from the important Muslim shrines in Termez is a complex of Hakim al-Termeziy (IX-XV century). Mausoleum of the tomb of blocks of white marble covered with patterns with Arabic verses. This is the tomb of the scientist and writer, Sheikh Abu Abdallah Mohammed Ali Bini Bini-Hussein al-Hakimi Tirmidhi. The monument, created by talented hands of an unknown artist, stonemason IX century. Termez-ata - "Termez father" - was called by the people of al-Hakimi, and was honored as the patron saint of the city. Nicknamed the Hakimi Tirmidhi, which became part of medieval Oriental literature, means "sage of Termez" The building of the mausoleum Termeziy square, topped spheroconical dome. The interior of the mausoleum has a fairly rich décor: sophisticated work pieces carved ornaments in the form of girihi, circles, ornaments vegetative character epigraphy. Special attention should be nadrogobie marble ivory.
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 23/03/2017 06:42

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