New York City views. Skaters near 59th Street.


New York City views. Skaters near 59th Street.

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New York City views. Skaters near 59th Street.. USA, New York, New York City, Manhattan, Central Park, 1933
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805 写真

Thompson Ramo Wooldridge, inc. Ramo-Wooldridge DivisionThe Ardsley, 320 Central Park WestWest 135th Street and Amsterdam Avenue. Apartment building with ground floor storefrontsCrowds in front of the Dakota Apartments the morning after John Lennon was killedThird Avenue El at 10th Street


59th St. Hotels reflected in Park Lake IFifth Avenue Looking South from the 60th Street Entrance to the ParkFifth Avenue between 58th Street and 59th StreetHemsley Park Lane Hotel, 36 Central Park South, NYCentral Park.General Motors Building, 767 Fifth Avenue NY5th Avenue south from 60th StreetStreet Scenes, 1905, Fifth Ave. - 59th to 60th Sts.5th Avenue and 57th Street, looking south from about 60th StreetStreet Scene, 1900, Fifth Avenue 60th to 61st Sts.

 17/01/2019 08:11

© Samuel Herman Gottscho


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