Церковь Андрея Первозванного при богадельне Золотарева


Церковь Андрея Первозванного при богадельне Золотарева

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ロシア連邦 ロシア連邦
On November 30, 1893, the name of the Rostov merchant A. A. Zolotarev, who traveled 100 thousand rubles on it was opened in Kerch. The Laddle was established for the "Charity of Non-Foloser to the existence of the elderly and poor persons of both the sex of the Orthodox religion" and was located on the territory of the current Komsomol Park. The buildings of the Laddle and Church building were allocated 20 thousand rubles. The church provided for the main throne in the name of the Holy Apostolandey of the First-Called and Podliest in the name of the Holy Equal-Apostles Mary Magdalene. The solemn consecration of the allest and church was committed by Her Martinian, Bishop Tavrichesky and Simferopolsky. In 1923, the church was closed. The Laddle Building was used for school, and with the beginning of the Great Patriotic War turned into a naval hospital. During the fighting, the buildings of the alpine and the church were severely destroyed and no longer restored. conditional
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277 写真

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Морський торговельний портul. ГнучкийКерчВ портуТорговый портПристань Російського Об-ваПам'ятник льотчикам 230-ї Кубанської штурмової авіадивізіїВулиця Маршала ЄременкоГоловна 31 на вул. Кірова.Вид на будинок 8 на вулиці. Юних ленінців

 20/08/2021 22:41

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