Carolyn Laundry, 111 East 128th St., Building, With Auto Trucks.


Carolyn Laundry, 111 East 128th St., Building, With Auto Trucks.

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アメリカ アメリカ > New York > Manhattan Community Board 10
Carolyn Laundry, 111 East 128th St., Building, With Auto Trucks.. USA, New York, New York City, Manhattan, East Harlem, 1929
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landon_ice  16/07/2019 02:19

It doesn't ring a bell

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872 写真

124th St., east from Broadway, New York.Arial view to Gateway Shopping CenterB.S. Moss Hamilton Theatre135th St., west from Broadway, New York.West Carson aerial


Carolyn Laundry, 111 East 128th St., Line of Laundry Wagons.Park Avenue and 128th Street, N.E. corner. Annex to Gristede Bros.128th Street and Park Avenue. Gristede Bros. 1881 Park Avenue128th Street and Park Avenue. Gristede Bros., general view of building112 East 127th Street128th Street and Park Avenue. Gristede Bros., with automobiles lined up in frontCarolyn Laundry, 111 East 128th St., Line of Auto Trucks.128th Street and Park Avenue. Gristede Bros., with automobiles lined up in front.128th Street and Park Avenue. Gristede Bros., with group of people employees126 East 127th Street

 15/12/2018 04:52

© Byron Company


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