Waverly Place between Sixth Avenue and McDougal Street


Waverly Place between Sixth Avenue and McDougal Street

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193rd Street and Audubon Avenue. George Washington High SchoolSanta Monica AirportC.K.G. Billings EstateWest 106th Street. Home for Aged and Infirm Hebrews.Fifth Ave. Hospital, 5th Avenue and 105th Street


Waverly Place between Sixth Avenue and McDougal StreetSixth Ave., east side, north from Waverly Place123 to 127 Waverly PlaceWaverly Place between Sixth Avenue and McDougal StreetA view of a local Greenwich Village farmers marketSixth Avenue, north across Waverly Place, showing at Christopher, W. 8th, Greenwich and Sixth AvenueA view of a local Greenwich Village farmers marketWaverly Place and Sixth AvenueSixth Avenue, west side, south from Waverly PlaceWaverly Place between Sixth Avenue and McDougal Street

 18/10/2021 13:14

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