Sculpture outside The Metropolitan Museum of Art


Sculpture outside The Metropolitan Museum of Art

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Sculpture outside The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1970s
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ironchkaleronda 28/11/2022 07:17

I did not get to live this

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327 写真

Nmarshall Field'S & Company Department Store And The Masonic Temple On State And Randolph StreetsUnited Artists Theatre (Chicago)Chicago Federal Court. Adams Street entrance after the 1918 bombingMasonic TempleCourt House


Sculpture outside The Metropolitan Museum of Art990 5th Avenue at the N.E. corner of 80th Street.990 Fifth Avenue. Apartment buildingLooking North up Fifth Avenue, NYArt vendor outside The Metropolitan Museum of Art990 Fifth Avenue. Apartment buildingLooking North up Fifth Avenue Toward Metropolitan Museum of Art, NYMetropolitan Museum of ArtMetropolitan Museum of Art993 5th Avenue at 81st Street

 29/06/2021 13:08

© Morris Huberland


New Yorkの古写真,New Yorkの古写真,New Yorkの古いイメージ,New Yorkの古いスナップショット,New Yorkのオールドパノラマの景色,New Yorkのオールドプリント