Looking southeast from 59th St. and 5th Ave


Looking southeast from 59th St. and 5th Ave

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Looking southeast from 59th St. and 5th Ave. at the Plaza Hotel. The Cornelius Vanderbilt house is seen at the southwest corner of 58th St. and 5th Ave. and across the street, on the southeast corner of 58th St. is Marble Row, Hansom cabs and the awning for the Plaza are also visible.
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John Murray House. 220 Madison AvenueVernon and 4th avenuesCrenshaw aerialFormer Chrisman Hall, now Phinney Hall, Men's dorm of Idaho UniversityEast 38th Street and Madison Avenue, southeast corner. Fraternities Club House. Entrance


Fifth Ave. 59th to 60th Sts. from West 59th St.Hotel Netherland5th Avenue and 59th Street NYHotel Netherlands, NYHotel Netherland, Fifth Avenue at N.E. corner of 59th Street.Entrance to Central Park From 1st Story, Plaza HotelThe Plaza and Sherman Statue.57th Street southeast from 5th Avenue59th Street and 5th Avenue. Hotel Savoy.Hotel Netherlands, 59th Street & Fifth Avenue.

 03/01/2020 11:19

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