Security Trust and Savings Bank


Security Trust and Savings Bank

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アメリカ アメリカ > California > Los Angeles County > Long Beach
Exterior view of Security Trust and Savings Bank, a 12-story Beaux-Arts style office building with Italian Renaissance Revival elements. It is located on the northeast corner of Pine Ave. and 1st St. in downtown Long Beach. Built between 1923 and 1925, it was designed by architects Curlett and Beelman. Raymond Granite Company, Inc., was contractor for the granite and limestone work. The building has a polished original Raymond granite base and buff Indiana limestone walls and pilasters and columns except the carved caps of the pilasters, which are terra cotta. The caps of the two free-standing columns at the entrance are limestone. The walls of the entrance vestibule have polished granite base and limestone above.
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730 写真

Security Pacific Bank BuildingPhipps Garden ApartmentsJackson Heights apartmentsHollywood BoulevardThe Castle


California National BankPalace TheaterPine AvenuePalace TheaterSecurity Trust and Savings BankPine AvenuePine AvenueHeartwell BuildingThe Pike and warshipsMetropolitan Building

 05/11/2018 09:10

© Security Pacific National Bank


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