McGiffert Hall


McGiffert Hall

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アメリカ アメリカ > New York > Manhattan Community Board 9
McGiffert Hall, 1930
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745 写真

Synod Hall, Cathedral of St. John the DivineThe Paul Jones, Wadsworth Avenue & 184th StreetNew York & Jersey City from Wall StreetWoolworth & Hudson Terminal Buildings from Murray Street & West BroadwayMunicipal Building & City Hall


West 122nd Street and Claremont Avenue. Union Theological Seminary. McGiffert Hall99 Claremont Avenue. Alderson Apartment House.Juilliard Musical Foundation. New building from right, high viewpoint.Juilliard Musical Foundation. Facade of old building.Juilliard Musical Foundation. Claremont Avenue and 122nd Street facades.Institute of Musical Art, Claremont Avenue & 122nd StreetDacona HallDacona Hall, New York.122nd Street and Claremont Avenue. New York Musical Art Society Building.Juilliard Musical Foundation. New building from left.

 09/09/2018 21:16

© Irving Underhill


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