East side of Hudson Street, north from St. Luke's Place (Leroy St.) to Morton Street


East side of Hudson Street, north from St. Luke's Place (Leroy St.) to Morton Street

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アメリカ アメリカ > New York > Manhattan Community Board 2
East side of Hudson Street, north from St. Luke's Place (Leroy St.) to Morton Street. USA, New York, New York City, Manhattan, West Village, 1914
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626 写真

309 Bleecker StreetChinatown New York82 Grove Street. Paddock Studio.Fifth Avenue, south from 37th StreetConstruction of the cable road on Broadway


435 Hudson Street between Leroy and MortonThe Hudson Street Park, The old cemetery we had to fight so to get.435 Hudson Street. General Dyestuff Corporation Building. Main EntranceEast side of Hudson Street looking south from Clarkson Street to W. Houston Street68-64 Leroy Street, south side, west of Seventh Avenue SouthEast side of Hudson Street looking north from Morton Street to Barrow StreetNo. 6 St. Luke's PlaceNo. 6 St. Luke's Place, former residence of Mayor Walker, 1939405 Hudson Street - Schweinlerr Press Building435 Hudson Street. General Dyestuff Corporation Building

 04/05/2019 01:29

© George F. Arata


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