218 East 57th Street. Apartment building, before alterations


218 East 57th Street. Apartment building, before alterations

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218 East 57th Street. Apartment building, before alterations. USA, New York, New York City, Manhattan, Midtown, 1934
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805 写真

Thompson Ramo Wooldridge, inc. Ramo-Wooldridge DivisionThe Ardsley, 320 Central Park WestWest 135th Street and Amsterdam Avenue. Apartment building with ground floor storefrontsCrowds in front of the Dakota Apartments the morning after John Lennon was killedThird Avenue El at 10th Street


220 East 57th Street. Apartment building, after alterations218 East 57th Street. Apartment building, after alterations218 East 57th Street. Apartment building, before alterations220-224 East 57th StreetThe Excelsior Apartments, 303 East 57th Street NY57th Street at N.E. corner of Third Avenue207 East 57th Street. Sutton Theater.210 East 57th Street207-233 East 57th Street, north side, adjoining and east of Third Avenue.Third Avenue, east side, north from 57th Street. April 21, 1934

 27/02/2020 12:11

© Wurts Bros.


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