Battery Park. Giovanni da Verrazzano Statue


Battery Park. Giovanni da Verrazzano Statue

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アメリカ アメリカ > New York > Manhattan Community Board 1
Battery Park. Giovanni da Verrazzano Statue, 1910s
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844 写真

BroadwayView of a float with a birthday cake on it for the Centennial ParadeMadison AvenueView of the south side of Sixth Avenue, looking west from the corner of Grant StreetTraffic on SW 5th and Jefferson


Battery Place, from Greenwich (left) to West (right) Streets, as viewed northward from Battery ParkAt the BatteryBuildings facing Battery Park on the tip of ManhattanThe Aquarium at South Ferry in N.Y.Battery ParkFrom Battery Park to West Street BuildingsBattery Park. New York AquariumThe Old and the new from Battery ParkBattery Park & Broadway northBattery Place

 14/09/2018 00:14

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