Lexington Avenue, north to East 62nd Street.


Lexington Avenue, north to East 62nd Street.

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アメリカ アメリカ > New York > Manhattan Community Board 8
Lexington Avenue, north to East 62nd Street.. USA, New York, New York City, Manhattan, Upper East Side, 1911
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797 写真

Fountain Valley Drive-In siteAlvarado HotelSite of Gimbels Dept. Store - 33rd St.& 6th Ave. - Year 1898Long Beach (710) Freeway, looking northwestAftermath of a snowstorm.


Lexington Avenue and 60th StreetBloomingdale'sSubway station East 60th Street, south side, west from LexingtonSubway station, IRT lineThe Barbizon. View from Lexington Avenue and 62nd (61st) St. 8 a.m.141 East 60th Street60th Street and Lexington Avenue, N.E. corner. Lambert BuildingLexington Avenue, east side, north from S. W. corner of 60th Street. April 9, 1928The Barbizon. From street 62nd St. and Lexington [Avenue].

 23/11/2018 13:29

© Pierre P. Pullis, G. W. Pullis


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