77th Street at the N.W. corner of Cherokee Place. Vanderbilt open stair tenements


77th Street at the N.W. corner of Cherokee Place. Vanderbilt open stair tenements

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アメリカ アメリカ > New York > Manhattan Community Board 8
77th Street at the N.W. corner of Cherokee Place. Vanderbilt open stair tenements. USA, New York, New York City, Manhattan, Upper East Side, 1928
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833 写真

Las Campanas HospitalIsaac Brokaw house45 East 75th Street. Double red brick residence.449-453 West 123rd Street. The Benmore Apartment HousesEast 86th Street. Christmas tree in wartime, Carl Schurz Park


77th Street and FDR Drive. John Jay Park, pavilionEast 76th Street Bath523 East 76th Street. Public Baths77th Street and FDR Drive. John Jay Park, pavilionEast 78th Street at the southwest corner of Cherokee Place76th Street at the S.W. corner of Cherokee Place. Apartments, exteriorVanderbilt Model TenementsEast 79th Street & East End AvenueNO 482. 74 Street Power Station Looking S WEast 79th Street & East End Avenue

 29/09/2019 13:03

© Wurts Bros.


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