Workshops in early Long Beach


Workshops in early Long Beach

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アメリカ アメリカ > California > Long Beach
A "joining, cabinet work" sign protrudes over a one-story workshop at American Avenue and 4th, a dirt road faced with a curb and with a sidewalk running past the buildings. A bike leans against the workshop steps as men pose beside the doors. A house with a picket fence adjoins the workshop. Woodworking material lies next to the sidewalk.
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633 写真

Sitka Naval Operating Base, Japanese IcelandView of SewardChurch Street between Warren Street and Chambers StreetOffice building in Redwood City, CaliforniaDowntown Kodiak


Egyptian TheaterRoosevelt-Garner signFirst Baptist ChurchLooking east on Broadway from Locust AvenueBarker Brothers BuildingFirst Methodist ChurchThe Pike and warshipsCampbell ApartmentsPine AvenueAmerican Avenue

 16/04/2022 20:26

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