Brasilia. Aerial view of "Superquadra 305 Sul". Two residential units "Tipo 3" from Helio Uchoa


Brasilia. Aerial view of

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ブラジル ブラジル > Federal District > Região Geográfica Imediata do Distrito Federal > Plano Piloto
Brasilia. Aerial view of "Superquadra 305 Sul". Access to each neighboring block is through one entrance, which is visible here at the top left. In the foreground are two residential units of type 3 from Helio Uchoa (built in 1960-1962), which, as a rule, have an open front (where the rooms are) and a partially closed rear (containing utility rooms) for Brasilia. Brasilia. Aerial "Superquadra 305 Sul". Access to each neighbor block through a single input, which is seen here at the top left. In the foreground are two residential unit "tipo 3" by Helio Uchoa (built in 1960-1962), which tend to have an open front Brasilia (where rooms are located) and a closed rear part (containing barns)
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 29/05/2018 02:02

© Rene Burri


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