Columbia University in the City of New York


Columbia University in the City of New York

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アメリカ アメリカ > New York > Manhattan Community Board 9
Columbia University in the City of New York. USA, New York, New York City, Manhattan, Morningside Heights, 1890s
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amedh 10/09/2019 16:17

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Lower Manhattan, Peter Minut Plaza 1960Croton Distributing Reservoir, 5th Avenue NYWinter in New York CityWindsor Arcade, 5th Avenue and 46th Street, New York CityChicago Loop


South East Corner of Amsterdam Ave, and 116th St., New York1161 Amsterdam Avenue - West 117th Street, Casa Italiana, NYSoutheast corner of Amsterdam Avenue and 116th Street117th Street and Amsterdam Avenue. Columbia University, Casa ItalianaAmsterdam Avenue, north from 117th Street116th Street and Amsterdam Avenue. Columbia University, Hamilton Hall.Low Library, Columbia University116th Street and Amsterdam Avenue. Columbia University, Hamilton HallAmsterdam Ave, north from 117th St., New YorkColumbia University, New York, Looking from Hamilton Hall.

 24/02/2019 01:57

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