691 Fifth Avenue - East 54th Street. I. Miller shoe store, formerly Aeolian Building


691 Fifth Avenue - East 54th Street. I. Miller shoe store, formerly Aeolian Building

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691 Fifth Avenue - East 54th Street. I. Miller shoe store, formerly Aeolian Building, 1939
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391-393 Fifth Avenue. I.J. Fox Building5th Avenue and 59th Street. The Plaza. Mayor's Committee to Welcome BritishThe residence of Eldridge T. Gerry, located on the corner of 5th Avenue and 61st Street.Steuben Glass building, 718 Fifth Avenue1900, Fifth Ave. N.E. Cor. 61st St.


Aeolian Co., Bldg., Fifth Ave. & 54th St., Under Construction.691 Fifth Avenue - East 54th Street. I. Miller shoe store, formerly Aeolian BuildingFifth Avenue and 54th Street. I. Miller shoe store, formerly Aeolian BuildingNew Aeolian Hall Building, northeast corner of Fifth Avenue and 54th Street.West 54th Street, west from Fifth Ave. On the left are the two Rockefeller homes689 Fifth Avenue. New Aeolian BuildingAeolian Co., Building (old), Northeast Corner of 54th Street & Fifth Avenue683 Fifth AvenueJohn D. Rockefeller, Sr.'s townhouse at 4 W. 54thWest side of 5th Avenue, 54th to 55th Streets

 17/04/2019 13:57

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