Arcade Building


Arcade Building

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A pedestrian's view of Broadway, looking south from 6th Street in the rain. The Arcade Building is center right. Designed by Kenneth MacDonald and built in 1924, the Arcade Building consists of two twelve-story towers connected by a three-story shopping arcade.
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682 写真

Duane Methodist Episcopal Church on east side of Hudson Street32 Waverly Place. New York University, entrance to building at Washington Square.First Congregational Parish Unitarian Church, ArlingtonGreenwich Avenue from Eighth Street Station of Sixth Avenue ElArlington. Albermarle StreetAlbermarle Street


Charleston Noakes on horseSwelldom, Albert's Hosiery and Howard's JewelersBroadway and 6th StreetSaloon at Broadway and 6thH. Jeyne CoArcade BuildingBroadway and 6th StreetZukor's Department StoreSilverwood's men's clothing storeBroadway and 6th Street

 01/11/2017 21:40

© William Reagh


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