333 East 68th Street


333 East 68th Street

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684 写真

33 Riverside Drive. From the movie Madison Avenue, N.W. corner of 45th Street showing Abercrombie & Fitch BuildingPark Avenue from 60th street north17-1 East and 1 West 35th Street, north side, from west of Madison Avenue to and including FifthPark Avenue, south from East 61st Street


333 East 68th Street, 1949East 67th Street near 2nd Avenue. N.Y. Trade School.East 67th Street near Second Avenue. N.Y. Trade School353 East 68th Street. German Reformed Church of America.310 East 67th Street. New York Trade School345 East 68th Street.328 East 67th Street. New York Public Library.315 East 68th Street at 2nd Avenue, N.E. corner67th and 68th Street, east side of 1st Avenue. James Ewing Memorial Cancer Hospital.James Ewing Hospital

 08/12/2016 05:32

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