Providence. Cathedral of St. Peter and St. Paul


Providence. Cathedral of St. Peter and St. Paul

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Providence. Cathedral of St. Peter and St. Paul, 1900s
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966 写真

New-York, Times Square by night, 1995-1996Park Avenue. Lever House, general view with reflections.Eldridge T. Gerry, 5th Ave. 61st St., N.Y.Harlem Meer, Central Park. View looking north toward West 110th Street and Lenox Avenue863 Park Avenue and 77th Street. Apartment House.


Providence. Cathedral of St. Peter and St. PaulProvidence. Cathedral of St. Peter and St. PaulProvidence. Cathedral of St. Peter and St. Paul, Thomas A. Doyle MonumentProvidence. Cathedral of St. Peter and St. Paul, Thomas A. Doyle MonumentProvidence. Cathedral of St. Peter and St. PaulProvidence. Cathedral of St. Peter and St. PaulProvidence. Cathedral of St. Peter and St. Paul. Thomas A. Doyle MonumentProvidence. Cathedral of St. Peter and St. PaulProvidence. Cathedral of St. Peter and St. Paul, Thomas A. Doyle MonumentProvidence. Cathedral of St. Peter and St. Paul

 18/09/2022 12:26

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