St. Francis Hotel. Union Square


St. Francis Hotel. Union Square

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アメリカ アメリカ > California > San Francisco > San Francisco
96-page softcover photo album (no date in the output) from the family archive, donated by Californian friends in 1990-92.
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886 写真

Best & Co. Department Store in Fifth Avenue NYThe Esso Building in June 1947.Park Avenue NYCThe Corning Glass Building, 717 Fifth Avenue NYView of the General Motors Building from Central Park. May 1968.


Union Square, San Francisco firePowell Str. Union SquareTV cameramen at workHomeless man eats from trash bin in Union SquareGeary Street at Powell StreetSan Francisco. Union square. Man on bikeUp Powell Street from Geary StreetPanorama from St. Francis HotelThe Burning of San Francisco, April 18, view from St. Francis HotelUnion Square on Post Street

 18/01/2020 15:32

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