Temple des Filles-de-la-Visitation-de-Sainte-Marie


Temple des Filles-de-la-Visitation-de-Sainte-Marie

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フランス フランス > Ile-de-France > Paris > Paris
Church of the Visitation of the Virgin Mary - all that remains of the eponymous convent at this place. In 1634, it built by François Mansart, inspired by the example of the Roman Pantheon. Therefore, in spite of a strong Catholic tradition, the new church did not become divided into longitudinal nave basilica, and received a single-piece volume, topped by a large dome in proportion to the high drum with huge windows. "Visits" in the Christian religion is called a very specific event, namely the meeting of Mary and Elizabeth. This story is found in the Gospel of Luke. Our Lady came to visit his cousin, John the Baptist buduyuschim pregnant, and she learned that she is to give birth to the Son of God.
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909 写真

Le Corbusier : L'atelier 35 rue de SèvresRue de la RépubliqueCamp militaire de La Courtine. Exercices de l'armée néerlandaisePlace Beaugrenelle, et rue Saint-CharlesHôtel de Bauffremont


Temple des Filles-de-la-Visitation-de-Sainte-MarieLa rue Saint-Antoine et le temple du Marais après les combats et les incendies de la CommuneL'Oratoire de la Rue Saint-AntoineAncienne église de la Visitation Sainte-MarieAncien Hôtel de Mayenne d'OrmessonTemple des Filles-de-la-Visitation-de-Sainte-MarieTemple du Marais (Paris Commune)L'assaut des voitures de légumes, rue Saint-Antoine21 Rue Saint-AntoineHôtel de Mayenne

 05/11/2018 19:41

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