St. Mark's Lutheran Church


St. Mark's Lutheran Church

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アメリカ アメリカ > New York > Manhattan Community Board 3
St. Mark's Lutheran Church, 323 East 6th Street, north side, between First and Second Avenues.
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668 写真

Market Street store frontsJoseph G. Darlington and Company337 East 17th Street, north side, west of First AvenueSt. Gabriel's Park, looking N.W. across the Park from 35th Street vest of First AvenuePhiladelphia Old City Hall and American Philosophical Society Building


Community Synagogue Center, 323 East 6th Street330 East 5th Street105-107 Second AvenueSecond Avenue, west side, to and including East 7th Street and showing Loew's Commodore TheatreSecond Avenue, east side, north from 7th StreetSecond Avenue, east side, north from 7th StreetA. Brym Shoe Repairing, 74 East 7th Street91-101, 103-05 Second Avenue, west side at 6th StreetFresh Jersey Eggs, Open Thursday Only at 72 East 7th Street5th St., west from near 1st Ave.

 11/03/2020 06:34

© P. L. Sperr


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