Broadway and 155th to 156th Streets


Broadway and 155th to 156th Streets

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アメリカ アメリカ > New York > Manhattan Community Board 9
A photomontage of a streetscape featuring the Audubon Terrace buildings and a street scene of people and cars on the streets and sidewalks and an airplane flying overhead.
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616 写真

Harriman, 39 Broadway BuildingEmpire State BuildingFulton Street & BroadwayLuna Park (Night Scene)Central Park Snow Scene


Hispanic Society of America, Broadway & 155th StreetBroadway. Museum of the American IndianHispanic Sociey AmericaWest 155th Street, east from BroadwayBroadway north from 155th St., New York.The fronts of the Museum of the American Indian-Heye FoundationBroadway north from 155th StreetView of the southeast corner of Broadway and 155th StreetBroadway155th Street, east from Broadway

 18/08/2019 13:46

© Arthur Vitols


Manhattan Community Board 9の古写真,Manhattan Community Board 9の古写真,Manhattan Community Board 9の古いイメージ,Manhattan Community Board 9の古いスナップショット,Manhattan Community Board 9のオールドパノラマの景色,Manhattan Community Board 9のオールドプリント