Monument Nungesser et Coli à Étretat


Monument Nungesser et Coli à Étretat

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フランス フランス > Normandy > Seine-Maritime > Étretat
I will make a reservation right away: this is the first, initial, monument. now different. In 1919, Raymond Orteig, the owner of a chic New York hotel, announced a prize of $ 25 thousand dollars to those who were the first to make a flight from New York to Paris (or vice versa). The French veterans of the PMV Charles Nunzeser and Francois Kolya on the Biplan "White Blang" (L'Oiseau Blanc) on May 8, 1927 made an attempt to cross the Atlantic Ocean along the route of Paris-New York. Biplan Levasseur PL-8 was a further development of the PL-4 aircraft created for the French Navy. This durable biplane could be suitable for a flight through the Atlantic Ocean only after serious modifications. Therefore, the wingspan was increased, and the plane received a large -diameter metal screw.
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pierre 15/02/2020 17:23

Quand j'étais jeune, j'y allais souvent

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403 写真

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 21/04/2019 07:21

© Maillard, Marcel

