215 West 75th Street. Apartment building


215 West 75th Street. Apartment building

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The Murphy Door Bed Company manufactured beds used in this building.
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797 写真

Fountain Valley Drive-In siteAlvarado HotelSite of Gimbels Dept. Store - 33rd St.& 6th Ave. - Year 1898Long Beach (710) Freeway, looking northwestAftermath of a snowstorm.


The Street Helene, 2128 Broadway215 West 75th Street. Apartment building215 West 75th Street. Apartment building, construction viewView Manhattan 1909 N.W. from Broadway & 75th St.BroadwayWest 75th Street and Broadway, northeast cornerSouthwest corner of 74th and BroadwayWest 75th Street and Broadway, northeast corner. Street viewDakota Stables, Broadway and 75th Street, 1909.Ansonia Apartments, Broadway, New York City

 17/04/2018 06:00

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