Lafayette Park


Lafayette Park

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Looking northwest through Lafayette Park from near the intersection of Wilshire Boulevard and S. Benton Way (foreground). Seen are the CNA Building, which later became the Central Civil West Courthouse, located at 600 S. Commonwealth Avenue, and the First Congregational Church, which was designed by Allison & Allison and built in 1930-1931, located at 540 S. Commonwealth Avenue.
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797 写真

Fountain Valley Drive-In siteAlvarado HotelSite of Gimbels Dept. Store - 33rd St.& 6th Ave. - Year 1898Long Beach (710) Freeway, looking northwestAftermath of a snowstorm.


La Fayette Park PlaceNear Bryson apartmentsBryson staircaseWestern Mortgage building, looking southBryson apartmentsBryson GarageWestern Mortgage building, looking westBryson GarageBryson GarageCNA Building

 02/05/2019 03:20

© Anne Laskey


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