888 Park Avenue at the northwest corner of 78th Street


888 Park Avenue at the northwest corner of 78th Street

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oliver_nz 25/08/2019 06:59

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783 写真

Union Trust Company and Trinity ChurchyardWelcome City Hall DetroitHolly Park construction site, Hawthorne, looking northeastBroadway and 14th StreetPacoima airport


888 Park Avenue at the northwest corner of 78th Street888 Park Avenue and 78th Street, northwest corner888 Park Avenue. Apartments, exterior.888 Park Avenue at the N.W. corner of 78th Street. Apartments.78th Street at the S.W. corner of Park Avenue. Apartment house.862 Park Avenue and 77th Street875 Park Avenue885 Park Avenue at the northeast corner of 78th Street891 Park Avenue. General exterior.885 Park Avenue at the N.E. corner of 78th Street. Apartments, general exterior.

 28/09/2018 03:28

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