No. 6 St. Luke's Place, former residence of Mayor Walker, 1939


No. 6 St. Luke's Place, former residence of Mayor Walker, 1939

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アメリカ アメリカ > New York > Manhattan Community Board 2
No. 6 St. Luke's Place, former residence of Mayor Walker, 1939. USA, New York, New York City, Manhattan, West Village, 1950
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626 写真

309 Bleecker StreetChinatown New York82 Grove Street. Paddock Studio.Fifth Avenue, south from 37th StreetConstruction of the cable road on Broadway


No. 6 St. Luke's Place68-64 Leroy Street, south side, west of Seventh Avenue South11-13 St. Luke's Place, row of townhousesA view of the Hudson Park Library during imrovemment by the Works Progress Administration435 Hudson Street between Leroy and Morton435 Hudson Street. General Dyestuff Corporation Building. Main Entrance405-421 Hudson StreetEast side of Hudson Street, north from St. Luke's Place (Leroy St.) to Morton Street435 Hudson Street. General Dyestuff Corporation Building405 Hudson Street. Schweinler Press Building

 17/09/2019 04:57

© Beecher Ogden


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