998 5th Avenue at 81st Street, N.E. corner


998 5th Avenue at 81st Street, N.E. corner

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アメリカ アメリカ > New York > Manhattan Community Board 8
998 5th Avenue at 81st Street, N.E. corner. USA, New York, New York City, Manhattan, Central Park, 1927
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833 写真

Las Campanas HospitalIsaac Brokaw house45 East 75th Street. Double red brick residence.449-453 West 123rd Street. The Benmore Apartment HousesEast 86th Street. Christmas tree in wartime, Carl Schurz Park


998 5th AvenueApartment No. 998 Fifth Avenue, northwest corner East 81st Street998 5th AvenueStreet musiciansStreet musiciansStreet musiciansStreet musiciansFountain at The Metropolitan Museum of Art998 5th Avenue995 5th Avenue at the S.E. corner of 81st Street. Apartment Hotel, The Stanhope.

 23/12/2019 01:35

© Wurts Bros.


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