Central Park Pharmacy


Central Park Pharmacy

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6th Street looking west from Olive Street. In this photo the building at left is the Central Park Pharmacy and at right is George W. Walker's Fontella shop, selling cigars and ice cream. At right middle is The Glengarry. At left workers are digging in the street where trolley car tracks are laid. Pedestrians and horse-drawn carriages are seen. The left corner would later become the Pacific Finance building, and at right the Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Co. building.
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373 写真

St. Louis during The Great DepressionLackawanna Railroad StationBell P-39 at Buffalo AirportConnellsville. Baptist ChurchLackawanna Railroad Station


Central Park Pharmacy6th and Olive StreetsPacific Mutual Life Insurance BuildingPacific Mutual Life Insurance BuildingPacific Mutual BuildingCrocker Bank6th and Olive in ChristmasPershing SquareWestern Tire CoPershing Square

 04/05/2023 20:19

© C. C. Pierce


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