Central Park West Building between two trees


Central Park West Building between two trees

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View from Central Park facing northwest towards Central Park West. The lake is visible in the foreground and the Beresford at Central Park West and 81st Street is visible through the trees.
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833 写真

Las Campanas HospitalIsaac Brokaw house45 East 75th Street. Double red brick residence.449-453 West 123rd Street. The Benmore Apartment HousesEast 86th Street. Christmas tree in wartime, Carl Schurz Park


San Remo towers seen from Central ParkNew York City views from Central Park. Across lake at 77th Street II.The St. Remo Apartments, on Central Park West NY145 Central Park West. San Remo Towers apartmentsCentral Park, pond between rocks, 59th Street buildings.New York, New York! View from Central Park. (1931)American Museum of Natural History, NYNY Central ParkCall boat on the lake, looking westFifth Avenue at 59th Street. From left to right they are the Hotel Pierre, Ritz Tower

 25/10/2019 17:16

© Samuel Herman Gottscho


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