Edison Waterside Generating Station


Edison Waterside Generating Station

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アメリカ アメリカ > New York > Manhattan Community Board 6
Edison Waterside Generating Station, 1905
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david_l3 09/02/2020 09:45

This picture I've never seen before

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573 写真

29 Broadway, corner Morris Street62 West 47th Street, Flint & Horner BuildingAmerican Surety Building, 100 BroadwayBase Ball Crowd, City Hall ParkBonwit Teller Building, 56th Street & 5th Avenue


East 39th Street. 39th Street Powerhouse no. 2East 39th Street. 39th Street Powerhouse no. 2Con Ed's Waterside Station and 660 First AvenueSkyscrapers tower over the 42nd Street NYConstruction of Edison Waterside Generating StationEast 39th Street, west from First Avenue, showing mainly the north side of this thoroughfareEast 39th Street, west from First Avenue, showing mainly the north side of this thoroughfare.First Avenue, west side, north from S. E. corner of 39th StreetFirst Avenue from 38th Street showing a further view southward to East 35th Street. April, 1936First Ave., west side, from but not including 38th, to and including 39th streets. March 13, 1928.

 12/09/2019 22:47

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