Гостиница «Россия». Вид от собора Василия Блаженного


Гостиница «Россия». Вид от собора Василия Блаженного

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Russische Federatie Russische Federatie > Moscow > Moscow
Hotel "Russia" represents four 12-storey building set closed rectangle of 250 to 150 m, which formed the inner dvor.Iz of differential elevation between the street and Varvarka Moskvoretskaya quay more than 10 m were built three hulls at high podium. North facade facing the street Barbarian, was topped by a 23-storey north tower, the south facade, entrance to the Moskva embankment was divided horizontally walking galereey.V southern enclosure was the central concert hall with 2500 seats, opened in 1971, and under the stylobate him - dvuhzalny cinema "charge" for 1500 mest.Snesti building of hotel "Russia" was not so easy. Undermine the building was impossible because of the proximity of the Kremlin. Therefore, the top five floors have disassembled with the help of cranes. The bottom five floors have broken with the help of heavy machinery. Dismantling of hotel "Russia" cost about $ 250 million
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Foto gepubliceerd op
 21/06/2017 19:08

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