Клочківський в'їзд


Клочківський в'їзд

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Oekraïne Oekraïne > Kharkiv Oblast > Kharkiv
The descent was paved in the 1920s on the site of a natural ravine coming from the modern square of freedom. The yar expanded, aligned the bottom and slopes of the descent. Works were performed manually. First to transition from one side of the descent to another on the slopes of the stairs were built. In the 40-50's above the desk near his intersection, the pedestrian bridge, which was preserved to this day. First title - Klochkovsky entry. September 20, 1936 was renamed Voitkevich's descent. Presumably, in 1937 he was called Passionaria. In 2015, the name of the clochkovsky descent was restored.
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561 foto's

Сергійна Лазарєв, будинок з написом Будинки Харківського медичного товаристваПавлоград. Собор Спасителя СпасителяСело КодакиСтаніславов. Вулиця Казім'єжовська

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Foto gepubliceerd op
 26/06/2020 03:29

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