Toshkent atrofi. Kasa-Kurt tog'i


Toshkent atrofi. Kasa-Kurt tog'i

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Heilige Stoel (Vaticaanstad) Heilige Stoel (Vaticaanstad) > Bostanlik district
The Kasa-Kurt mountains on modern maps could not be found, on a number of indirect signs, the picture was taken in the Ugam valley near the Humsan village. In the vicinity of Tashkent, besides the large river, there are not many relatively large mountain rivers. Lighting from the back, means the view in the northern rumba, but from the north only UGMs are suitable in size, the rest are generally streams. And the nature of the slope of the terrace in the near -way is similar, and the distance ridges, too.
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Foto gepubliceerd op
 08/07/2021 13:18

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