Blick auf das Gebäude der Reichsbank, Jäger-, Ecke Oberwallstraße


Blick auf das Gebäude der Reichsbank, Jäger-, Ecke Oberwallstraße

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Duitsland Duitsland > Berlin
In 1765, the royal Giro and Lehnbank recorded its business in the ground floor rooms of the former hunter's farm on the area between Jägerstrasse and Oberwallstrasse. After neighboring properties were bought in the following years, a renovation was carried out in 1837 and a generous new building will be decided in 1847 soon after the bank was converted into the "Prussian Bank". 1868 The work will begin under the direction of Friedrich Hitzig and will be on 1876 with the main building in 1876 the Jägerstrasse ended. The financial institution named as a result of the founding of the Reich in 1871 as the "Imperial German Reichsbank" is listed in the neo -neaning style with a magnificent facade of patterned raw brick surfaces. The group of sculptures on the Attica comes from Julius Franz and represented Germania as a protector of trade, shipping and industry. After severe war destruction, the ruin will be removed in the 1950s.
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Foto gepubliceerd op
 08/01/2020 10:08

© Friedrich Albert Schwartz
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