1937 жылы Зырян


1937 жылы Зырян

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Kazachstan Kazachstan > East Kazakhstan Region > Алтайский район > Altai
Zyryanovsk, in April 1937. Presumably the house near the now-defunct Pozdnyakovskoy streets. Considering located near the mast with antennas - most likely it is a building of district executive committee, the recruiting office or telegraph. In the background on the right can be seen the body of the former vyschelachivatelnoy factory (at the time of shooting - CHP), 50-meter-high chimney and the building is broken Berezovskaya GES.Za few weeks before shooting Ziryanovsk received the status of "industrial community" .In currently on location is a flooded quarry .
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Foto gepubliceerd op
 09/07/2019 09:30

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