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China China > Changning District
"The first modern filling station in Shanghai, located at the junction of Great Western Roads, is shown here. This station incorporates the latest ideas found in filling stations in America. It was erected by the Standard Oil Company of New York and is operated by Mr. A. F. Fisher, an experienced motor car and service man."
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shu_beijing 15/03/2021 13:43


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167 foto's

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Victoria Nurses Home, old building费舍尔汽油汽车供应站,1929年开业Victoria Nurses Home, designed by Rudolf HamburgerAuditorium for the Italian ClubVictoria Nurses Home 新維多利亞護士之家老意大利俱乐部在伟大的西路Victoria Nurses Home 維多利亞護士院 on Great Western RoadGarden facade, residence华山路航拍

Foto gepubliceerd op
 29/11/2020 08:52

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Oude foto's van Changning District,Oude foto's van Changning District,Oude beelden van Changning District,Oude kiekjes van Changning District,Oud panoramisch uitzicht op Changning District,Oude prenten van Changning District