Union Christian College


Union Christian College

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Noord-Korea Noord-Korea
Colony of American missionaries on Mount Mansu-san. “A view toward the north of Pyongyang, showing Union Christian College and its American-style buildings in the 1930s.” The point is not set conditionally, but with an error of 400 meters
Reacties (1)


kumiko 03/08/2019 16:50


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271 foto's

Central Station in PyongyangVietnam. Hanoi. Khâm ThiênPyongyang Station. Back viewHanoi Opera House - Nhà hát lớn Hà Nội평양, 김일성 광장 Area Kim Il Sung in Pyongyang

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Foto gepubliceerd op
 30/06/2019 01:54

© Helen McCune Lawless
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