Акведук поблизу KamenoLome в Інкермані


Акведук поблизу KamenoLome в Інкермані

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Oekraïne Oekraïne > Sevastopol > Inkerman
Russia. Sevastopol. The aqueduct near the mantomolomen in Inkerman. I did not preserve our days. Freshwater alphabette in Sevastopol felt from the moment of its foundation. The water pipe was packed at a very rough terrain. In the rocks of the soldiers, the sailors and the arrestants were cut through three tunnels, which are still used. In addition, aqueducts were built in the form of a bridge with waterways to overcome the dell, beams or water obstacles. Aquedical windows of the Lazarevian waterway were built on the draft Colonel John Suppon. In total, 5 rebar aqueducts were built: Inkerman, Choreguan, kilenbalkham, in Ushakova and Apollon beams. The construction was completed in 1853. During the defense period of Sevastopol 1854-1855. The Lazarevian waterwater was destroyed and restored it.
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Foto gepubliceerd op
 30/07/2017 10:13

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