Вулиці Герцена, Ватутіна, Червоноармійській, Маяковського


Вулиці Герцена, Ватутіна, Червоноармійській, Маяковського

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Oekraïne Oekraïne > Lviv Oblast > Lviv Urban Hromada > Lviv
The intersection of Herzen's streets, Vatutina (now Prince Roman), Krasnoarmeyskaya (later - Franco) and Mayakovsky (now Levitsky). The on the right is shown the sandbox with figures of children, which, claim, disappeared in the late 1950s - at the very beginning of the 1960s. In any case, there were no materials with this sculptural composition dated after 1960. On the left, an infrequently found image of a two-wheeled carriage for the transport of goods used in those years. Temporary framework can adjust a car specialist, which I am not unfortunately.
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Foto gepubliceerd op
 21/12/2018 06:13

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