Hotel Rigi-Kulm


Hotel Rigi-Kulm

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Switzerland Switzerland > Schwyz > Schwyz > Arth
August 6, 1816 is considered the starting point of the hotel business in the Riga Kulm - from this day, tourists can spend the night in the hotel Kulmhaus. Prior to this, visitors to Riga had to be content with alpine huts. Wooden hotel has just 6 rooms, the first of its lodgers become builders. A first entry in the book of guests was made August 14, 1816: employed immediately 5 rooms. The hotel worked for more than 30 years.8 June 1848 the opening of a new stone hotel "Kulm" (pictured). Cost: CHF 2 per room, service: 1 French breakfast. 1.5 francs, lunch and dinner. 3 fr. for every. After numerous reorganizations it housed 130 residents. In 1857, a number of open Hôtel Regina Montium with 200 seats, and in 1875 - Grand Hôtel Schreiber with 300 seats.
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 19 de noviembre de 2020 a las 09:38

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